p5-Tie-LLHash | Ordered hashes | |
p5-Tie-RefHash-Weak | Perl 5 Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys | |
p5-Tie-RegexpHash | Use regular expressions as hash keys | |
p5-Tie-Simple | Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier | |
p5-Tie-ToObject | Tie to an existing object | |
p5-Time-Duration (V) | Perl5 module for rounded or exact English expression of durations | |
p5-Time-Duration-Parse (V) | Perl5 module to parse string that represents time duration | |
p5-Time-Period (V) | Perl5 module to deal with time periods | |
p5-Time-Warp (V) | Perl 5 module to control the flow of time | |
p5-Tree-DAG_Node | Class for representing nodes in a tree | |
p5-Tree-R | Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms | |
p5-Tree-Simple | Simple extension to manipulate tree objects | |
p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory | Collection of visitor objects for use with Tree::Simple | |
p5-Try-Tiny | Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of | |
p5-TryCatch | First class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters | |
p5-Type-Tiny | Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint | |
p5-Type-Tiny-XS | XS boost for some of Type::Tiny's type constraints | |
p5-Types-Path-Tiny | Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose and Moo | |
p5-Types-Serialiser | Simple data types for common serialisation formats | |
p5-UNIVERSAL-can | Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function | |
p5-UNIVERSAL-isa | Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::isa() as a function | |
p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker | Perl module for assigning user-friendly names to classes | |
p5-UNIVERSAL-require | Perl module to require() from a variable | |
p5-Unix-Statgrab (V) | Perl extension for collecting information about the machine | |
p5-URI-db (V) | Perl extension to provide database URIs | |
p5-URI-Nested (V) | Perl extension to provide nested URIs | |
p5-UUID (V) | DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library for Perl | |
p5-UUID-Tiny | Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface | |
p5-Variable-Magic | Perl 5 module to associate user-defined magic to variables | |
p5-Want | Perl module providing a generalisation of wantarray | |
p5-WeakRef | Provide weak references in Perl | |
p5-Weather-PurpleAir-API (V) | Perl5 library for PurpleAir API | |
p5-Wx-Perl-DataWalker | Shows a relatively simple Perl data structure browser | |
p5-XML-DOM (V) | Extend XML::Parser to build DOM Level 1 compliant data structure | |
p5-XS-Parse-Keyword | XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax | |
p5-XString | Isolated String helpers from B | |
p5-XXX | Perl function to die with a YAML dump of its arguments | |
p8-platform | Platform support library used by libCEC | |
packr | Tool for bundling static assets inside Go binaries | |
pact_broker-client (V) | Client for the Pact Broker | |
palmpower | Assembler, disassembler and other tools for PalmOS binaries | |
pango | Library for layout and rendering of text | |
pangomm | C++ bindings for pango (1.4 API) | |
pangomm2.48 | C++ bindings for pango (2.48 API) | |
pangox-compat | Backwards compatibility library for pango X support | |
papaya | Simple scripts for software development | |
pardiff | Converts diff output to paralleled (side-by-side) format | |
patch | Patch files using diff output | |
patchelf | Modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF binaries | |
patchutils | Some programs for manipulating patch files | |
pax-utils | ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries | |
pcc-libs | Runtime libraries for the Portable C Compiler | |
pccts | Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set | |
pcl-cvs | Front-end to CVS for emacs | |
pcre | Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library | |
pcre-ocaml | Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml | |
pcre++ | Wrapper class around the pcre library | |
pcre2 | Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library (major version 2) | |
pdcurses | Public domain implementation of the X/Open curses standard | |
pear-Base (V) | Basic functionality that all eZ Components need | |
pear-Cache (V) | Framework for caching of arbitrary data | |
pear-Console_CommandLine | Managing command-line options and arguments | |
pear-ConsoleTools (V) | Tools to build applications that run on a computer console | |
pear-fDOMDocument (V) | Extension to PHP\'s standard DOM to add methods and exceptions | |
pear-File (V) | Common file and directory routines | |
pear-File_Iterator (V) | Filters files based on a list of suffixes | |
pear-File_Util (V) | Common file and directory utility functions | |
pear-FinderFacade (V) | Convenience wrapper for Symfony\'s Finder component | |
pear-Horde_ActiveSync (V) | ActiveSync server | |
pear-Horde_Alarm (V) | Interface dealing with alarms | |
pear-Horde_Auth (V) | Authentification backends | |
pear-Horde_Autoloader (V) | Autoload implementation | |
pear-Horde_Browser (V) | Browser informations | |
pear-Horde_Cache (V) | Caching API | |
pear-Horde_Cli (V) | Command-line functionalities | |
pear-Horde_Compress (V) | API for compression | |
pear-Horde_Constraint (V) | Constraints builder for horde | |
pear-Horde_Controller (V) | Controller part of an MVC system for horde | |
pear-Horde_Data (V) | Data import and export backends for horde | |
pear-Horde_Date (V) | Date manipulation | |
pear-Horde_Db (V) | Database abstraction for horde | |
pear-Horde_Exception (V) | Default exception handlers for Horde | |
pear-Horde_Group (V) | Group management for horde | |
pear-Horde_History (V) | Change tracker in horde | |
pear-Horde_Icalendar (V) | ICalendar API for horde | |
pear-Horde_Injector (V) | Injection container for horde | |
pear-Horde_Lock (V) | Locking system for horde | |
pear-Horde_Log (V) | Logging package for horde | |
pear-Horde_Mime (V) | MIME manipulation for horde | |
pear-Horde_Nls (V) | TODO: Short description of the package | |
pear-Horde_Stream_Filter (V) | Stream filters for horde | |
pear-Horde_Stream_Wrapper (V) | Stream wrappers | |
pear-Horde_Support (V) | Support classes | |
pear-Horde_Text_Flowed (V) | RFC 3676 encoded text manipulation for horde | |
pear-Horde_Translation (V) | Translation wrappers | |
pear-Horde_Url (V) | URL manipulation class | |
pear-Horde_Util (V) | Useful functionalities for horde | |
pear-PHP_CodeCoverage (V) | Collection, processing, and rendering for PHP code coverage | |
pear-PHP_CodeSniffer (V) | Detects PHP, JavaScript and CSS violations of coding standards | |
pear-PHP_Depend (V) | PHP_Depend design quality metrics for PHP packages | |
mk | Subfolder |